Der Mord & die Konsequenzen

Obwohl wir täglich alle internationalen News zu den Vorgängen Rund um den Tod von Hachalu und den anschließenden Unruhen in Äthiopien im Auge hatten, ist es uns unmöglich deren Wahrheitsgehalt vollständig zu bewerten und die Konsequenzen für Äthiopien abschließend zu deuten. Hier ein Auswahl wichtiger Artikel der letzten Wochen:

„Hachalu was the soundtrack of the Oromo revolution, a lyrical genius and an activist who embodied the hopes and aspirations of the Oromo public.” – The New York Times

“The Oromia’s police commissioner Ararsa Merdesa on his part said that the group led by Jawar Mohammed has prevented the body of the deceased musician Hachalu Hundessa to be transported to his hometown, Ambo, about 100 km west of Addis Ababa.” – Ethiopia Reporter

"This is a very challenging development for the prime minister," Ahmed Soliman, a Horn of Africa researcher from London-based think tank Chatham House told DW. According to the analyst, "[Abiy's] need to try and bring some calm to this situation and to try to resolve it is one of his greater challenges. And it has been [so] since he took over: How he can knit together the nations that make up Ethiopia." Abiy's strategy includes playing down his own Oromo origins in an effort to represent the interests of all Ethiopians." – Deutsche Welle

„The towns of Bale Robe, Ziway, Shashemene, and Adama of the Oromia region have been shocked by a wave of ethnically-motivated violence that has seen dozens of assaults, many of which have resulted in deaths, witnesses say. Riots were reported in different parts of Addis Ababa, Arat Kilo, Megenagna, and Kazanchis. Young people were seen roaming the streets, carrying sticks and knives. Gunshots were heard in several neighborhoods.“ – Ethiopia Reporter

“Ethiopia: The killing of Hachalu Hundessa cuts deep - The unsolved fatal shooting of the celebrated Oromo resistance singer has ruptured Ethiopia's brittle political system. Can talks on a national scale avert a bad-to-worse outcome for the multiethnic nation?” - Merga Yonas Bula für die Deutsche Welle.

“Two of his hotels in Shashemene and Ziway were attacked. His hotel in Shashemene is destroyed too. Appearing on Ethiopian state media, ETV, Haile admitted that it is a loss, but he also said that it is a loss for people in the town as 98 percent of the staff was from the area.“ – Borkena über die Hotels von Lauf-Legende Haile Gebreselassie

“Mr. Mutiga, of the International Crisis Group, said that Mr. Abiy should rise to the occasion not just as a political leader but as Ethiopia’s healer in chief. “I think where Abiy definitely could do better is to try to fashion consensus,” he said, “persuade his opponents and be more deliberative and consultative and try to carry people along with him.” – The New York Times

„Zadig Abraha, the Ethiopian minister in charge of democratization, accused "external forces" of playing a role in recent violence in the country in which more than 200 people were killed. He also accused forces opposed to changes ushered in by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed of being behind the unrest, without specifying who they were.“ – die französische Nachrichtenagentur AFP

„People in the area told VOA that unidentified attackers targeted people not of Oromos ethnicity, although some ethnic Oromos and mixed ethnicities were also attacked. While some of the attacks were carried out by mobs, others were committed by well-coordinated and highly trained gunmen, the survivors told VOA.” – Ethiopia Reporter

“Archbishop Abune Henok, whose diocese is in the West Arsi zone of Oromo regional state of Ethiopia, said Orthodox Christians were targeted, and that he does not agree with the assertion that the attack was an ethnic one.” – Borkena

"Ethiopian Human Rights Commissioner, Daniel Bekele, said that he had paid a visit to the prison in the capital Addis Ababa on Friday last week to see the condition of prisoners. Jawar Mohammed and Bekele Gerba reported no physical attack or harm during or after their arrest. On the other hand, Eskinder Nega and Shemsedin Taha (Oromia Media Network employee) reported that they were beaten." – Borkena

„For two nights the sharp report of gunfire crackled through the pitter-patter of summer rain. Across the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, cars and petrol stations were burnt, shops and businesses looted. At least ten people were killed in clashes between rioters and the police in the city. Similar confrontations took place in towns throughout Oromia, the largest of Ethiopia’s nine ethnically based regions and one that has been the site of repeated bouts of violence in recent years. In the country as a whole at least 166 people were killed, making this one of the deadliest episodes in Ethiopia’s already bloody transition from authoritarian rule.“ – The Economist

"Abiy Ahmed is himself an Oromo. But the community is divided. “There’s a civil war going on within the Oromo group at the moment,” said Ethiopia specialist René Lefort. “Oromo are fighting against other Oromo; there are those who support Ahmed and those who have taken up arms against the government” – die französische Nachrichtenagentur AFP

„Rashid Abdi, a researcher, says Ethiopia may slide into chaos. “The world can look away or invest in concerted action now to avert disaster. Ethiopia is too big to fail,” he said.“ – die kenianische “Daily Nation”
