Wahl-News 2021 (Mai-Juni)
30. April: Vier US-Senatoren schreiben an den Horn-Sondergesandten Jeffrey Feltmann einen Brief in dem es vor allem um den Krieg in Tigray geht – aber auch um die anstehenden Wahlen: „These planned elections are not currently on track to meet international standards for freedom, fairness, and transparency“. 9. Mai: Das NEBE antwortet: “Reforms in the election year carry significant technical, financial, political and security risks. A publicly available assessment by NEBE regarding the feasibility of reforms suggests that significant changes at this stage in the electoral cycle could further imperil the overall integrity, credibility, exclusivity and timeliness of the electoral process.”
3. Mai: EU kündigt an, keine Wahlbeobachter zu schicken: "Despite all efforts by the European Union, it was not possible to reach an agreement with Ethiopian authorities on key parameters for the deployment of an EU Electoral Observation Mission in view of the parliamentary elections on 5 June 2021. As conditions are not fulfilled, the deployment of the mission has to be cancelled." – 4. Mai: Das äthiopische Außenministerium kommentiert diese Entscheidung: “The Government is committed to make the upcoming elections free, fair and democratic and is determined to continue working with all stakeholders to make it so. While external observers could add some value to strengthen the quality of electoral processes, they are neither essential nor necessary to certify the credibility of an election. The validity and legitimacy of Ethiopia’s election is determined solely by Ethiopian laws, Ethiopian institutions, and ultimately, by the people of Ethiopia."
18. Mai: Der Generaldirektor der Ethiopian Mass Media Authority erklärt die erneute Verschiebung der Wahl habe nichts mit dem Tigray-Konflikt zu tun – in diese Richtung hatte die Agentur Associated Press berichtet.
27. Mai: NEBE erteilt dem International Republic Institute (IRI) und dem National Democratic Institute (NDI) eine Genehmigung die Wahlen zu beobachten.
29. Mai: Die Partei “Ethiopian Citizens for Social Justice” (EZEMA) kritisiert die Amtsinhaber als größtes Hindernis für freie und faire Wahlen. Sie seien verantwortlich für Unregelmäßigkeiten.
11. Juni: Die US-Regierung ist “sehr besorgt” über die Rahmenbedingungen zur Wahl: “The detention of opposition politicians, harassment of independent media, partisan activities by local and regional governments, and the many interethnic and inter-communal conflicts across Ethiopia are obstacles to a free and fair electoral process and whether Ethiopians would perceive them as credible. The exclusion of large segments of the electorate from this contest due to security issues and internal displacement is particularly troubling.”
16. Juni: Ministerpräsident Dr. Abiy verspricht friedliche Wahlen.