Meldungen von Juni 2016

von Redakteur

8 June 2016  Parliament approved another cyber law to silence dissent.  Elias Meseret, Associated Press
Ethiopia’s parliament on Tuesday approved a law to imprison people who distribute defamatory speech, pornography and spam online, a move that bloggers and activists said is meant to silence dissent. The law’s most severe penalty is 10 years’ imprisonment for sharing pornography online. Sharing defamatory speech or spam gets at least three years in prison.
Ethiopia’s cybersecurity officials have said the country is subject to more than 1,000 cyberattacks per day, and the government has said the new law will enable it to prosecute such crimes more efficiently. But rights groups have accused the East African country of restricting freedom of expression and using spyware against dissidents living overseas. An Ethiopian court last month charged an opposition activist over his Facebook posts. Daniel Berhane, a popular blogger, said the new law is a concern to him as an editor of a website that has several contributors and is an active user of social media. “It jumbled provisions for cyberattacks with provisions about content, thereby paving the way for a heavy-handedness on online expression,” he said.

Conflicts and Unrest

17 Juni 2016  Tödliche Gewalt bei Protesten in Äthiopien. Landraub befürchtet. tageszeitung!5267637/
Bei den seit Wochen anhaltenden Protesten in der Region Oromia sind laut Human Rights Watch mindesten 140 Menschen getötet worden.
ADDIS ABEBA dpa/afp | Bei Protesten im ostafrikanischen Äthiopien haben Sicherheitskräfte einer Menschenrechtsorganisation zufolge in den vergangenen zwei Monaten mindestens 140 Menschen getötet. Die Proteste in der Region Oromia rund um Addis Abeba richten sich primär gegen die Erweiterungspläne der Hauptstadt und deshalb drohende Enteignungen. Zahlreiche Demonstranten seien verletzt worden, teilte die Menschenrechtsorganisation Human Rights Watch (HRW) am Freitag mit. Die äthiopische Regierung äußerte sich nicht zu den Angaben. Sie spricht bisher von fünf Toten.
Die Regierung habe Oromo-Anführer Bekele Gerba und andere Spitzenleute der Volksgruppe verhaftet, so HRW. Gerbas Aufenthaltsort sei unbekannt. Die Proteste, die Anfang Dezember begannen, haben sich auf mehr als hundert Orte ausgebreitet. Die Regierung spricht von Terrorismus und greift mit harter Hand durch. „Durch die Behandlung von Oppositionspolitikern und friedlichen Demonstranten mit eiserner Faust verweigert die Regierung Äthiopiern die Möglichkeit, legitimen Beschwerden gewaltfrei Ausdruck zu verleihen“, so HRW. Meinungsfreiheit und Opposition werden in Äthiopien unterdrückt. Die Regierungsparteien halten alle Parlamentssitze. Die Region Oromia, die Addis Abeba einschließt, ist mit einer Bevölkerung von etwa 30 Millionen Menschen die größte der neun Bundesländer Äthiopiens. Oromia hat seine eigene Sprache, Oromo, während die Amtssprache Amharisch ist.

16 Juni 2016  Human Rights Watch berichtet über massive Gewalt gegen Demonstranten. entwicklungspolitikonline
Nairobi. - Bei den zahlreichen Protesten in der Region Oromia haben äthiopische Sicherheitskräfte seit November 2015 mehr als 400 Demonstranten und andere Menschen getötet und Zehntausende verhaftet. Die Menschenrechtsorganisation Human Rights Watch hat in einem am Donnerstag veröffentlichten Bericht schwere Vorwürfe gegen die Sicherheitskräfte erhoben. Die äthiopische Regierung solle dringend eine glaubwürdige, unabhängige Untersuchung der Tötungen, willkürlichen Verhaftungen und anderen Menschenrechtsverletzungen unterstützen.
Der 61-seitige Bericht "Such a Brutal Crackdown‘: Killings and Arrests in Response to Ethiopia’s Oromo Protests" belegt, dass die äthiopische Regierung exzessive und unnötig tödliche Gewalt angewandt, Massenverhaftungen durchgeführt, Gefangene misshandelt und den Zugang zu Informationen eingeschränkt hat, um die Protestbewegung niederzuschlagen. Interviews in Äthiopien und im Ausland mit mehr als 125 Demonstranten, Zeugen und Misshandlungsopfern dokumentieren, dass die Sicherheitskräfte die Meinungsfreiheit und das Recht auf friedliche Versammlung von Demonstranten und anderen massiv verletzt haben, vom Beginn der Proteste im November 2015 bis Mai 2016.
"Die äthiopischen Sicherheitskräfte haben Hunderte Studenten, Bauern und andere friedliche Demonstranten erschossen - ohne Respekt vor Menschenleben", so Leslie Lefkow, stellvertretende Leiterin der Afrika-Abteilung von Human Rights Watch. "Die Regierung soll alle widerrechtlich inhaftierten Personen freilassen, eine glaubhafte, unabhängige Untersuchung unterstützen und Angehörige der Sicherheitskräfte für ihre Rechtsbrüche zur Verantwortung ziehen."
Das brutale Vorgehen der Regierung erfordert eine stärkere, gemeinsame Reaktion anderer Länder und von Regierungsorganisationen, auch des Menschenrechtsrats der Vereinten Nationen, als dies bisher passiert ist, fordert HRW. Zwar habe das Europäische Parlament eine starke Resolution verabschiedet, in der es die Gewalt verurteilt, und eine ähnliche Resolution liegt dem Senat der Vereinigten Staaten vor, aber das sind Ausnahmen, kritisiert die Menschenrechtsorganisation. Der Rest der Welt schweige über die Menschenrechtsverletzungen in Oromia. Der UN-Menschenrechtsrat solle sich mit den gravierenden Verstößen befassen, zur Freilassung der willkürlich inhaftierten Menschen aufrufen und eine unabhängige Untersuchung unterstützen.
"Äthiopiens internationale Unterstützer verschließen fast alle die Augen vor dem blutigen Vorgehen der Regierung in Oromia", so Lefkow. "Länder, die sich für die Entwicklung Äthiopiens einsetzen, sollen auf Fortschritt in allen Bereichen drängen, insbesondere mit Blick auf die Meinungsfreiheit und Gerechtigkeit für die Opfer von Menschenrechtsverletzungen."

9 June 2016  Ethiopia: 70 Killed in Clashes Between Liyuu Police and (Habaryonis) armed tribe in Gashaamo. MAAREG
Jigjiga, Ogaden. At least 70 people were reportedly killed after clashes between an armed tribe (Habar Yonis) and the Ethiopian security forces erupted in Jama Dubbad, about 40 kilometers South-Eastern of the district town of Gashamo, in the Province of Degahbur, according to residents.  “The Ethiopian government-backed paramilitary force better known as Special (Liyuu) Police killed residents of Jama Dubbad in revenge,” said a resident who asked not to be named. The fighting escalated and continues in the Hashi Agole, about 15 kilometers from the district town of Gashaamo on Tuesday night, Waraq News reported. The tribal elders and the generals of the Ethiopian National Defense Forces did not succeed to halt the fighting.

8 June 2016  Farmers in south Gondar clash with regime forces.  ESAT
One person was killed as farmers in Guna, south Gondar clashed with regime forces on Sunday. Reports reaching ESAT indicate the standoff continued throughout Monday. The spat over grazing land turned deadly when regime forces opened fire at the farmers. A sources told ESAT that one farmer was killed in the shootout that lasted for three hours. A witness who also took part in the fight told ESAT that several people have taken arms and left their villages. The witness said the farmers are hiding in the nearby jungle. He said the farmers are determined to defend themselves if the regime forces decided to attack again. Residents in nearby villages were also in a standoff with government forces following the fight in Guna. People in Gondar have been expressing their outrage against abuse of power and maladministration by the minority regime.

Economic Development

Ethio News, Monthly Newsletter: Ethiopian Embassy in Germany, May/June 2016, berichtet über die Pläne im Bereich Industrial Zone development unter dem Titel Ethiopia’s GTP II: Jewel for Investors. Part Two: Industrial Zone development: Basis for Manufacturing
Daraus einige Auszüge:
Having key pulls for investment such as competitive and inexpensive labor, cheaper and renewable energy supply as well as consumer markets, the government is targeting the export-oriented light manufacturing industries as well as small and medium manufacturers to become the manufacturing hub in Africa in the next decade.
The strategic directions of the industrial sector are to establish light manufacturing industries which are labor intensive and benefiting citizens, globally competitive and leading in Africa and environment friendly; and to establish the foundation which enables to create an industrialized country by moving into the development of strategic heavy industries. In addition, there is opportunity which enables high-tech industries to contribute to the development of the industrial sector. (S.1)
In this regard, during the plan period, 7 million square meters land will be made available for investors who planned to engage in manufacturing and related sectors. Four pilot agro industry parks will also be established and linked with millions of smallholders to supply inputs. Hence, Ethiopia is targeting $1 billion of annual investment in industrial parks over the next decade to boost exports and make it Africa’s top manufacturer. The Industrial Zones Development Corporation (IZDC) aims to build 2 million sq ms of factory sheds and create 200,000 jobs annually. (S.2)
To achieve this ambitious target, expansion works are taking place in the country’s first industrial zone. Fully occupied Bole Lemi I Industrial Zone in the outskirts of Addis Ababa with shoes and garment manufacturing industry is now under expansion to attract prospective companies in textile, apparel and shoe areas. Another, Kilinto, industrial zone, some 20 kms away from Addis Ababa is also under construction for the establishment of agro-processing, pharmaceuticals and electronics and furniture industries. These manufacturing centers are fully equipped with all the necessary infrastructural and other common facilities. Hawassa Industrial Park which is located 275 km from Addis and is being constructed on 350 hectares of land in Southern Regional State of Ethiopia is set to be completed in June, 2016. This Eco-Park, centered on textile and garment products, is fully integrated to the city, is built in collaboration with the newly built Hawassa University. Upon completion, it would create job opportunities for 50,000 people. Eight international companies have already started work in the temporary sheds built,including the US-based BVH. (S.4)

9 June 2016  Ethiopia-Djibouti electric Rail to Begin Operations in the Fall. Geeska Africa Online
The 756km Chinese-built Addis Ababa–Djibouti electric railway will commence operations in September, an Ethiopian official said. “We have completed 95 per cent of the project. We are waiting for allocation of electricity for the line and will start full operation in September,” said Mr Getachew Betru, the CEO of the Ethiopian Railway Corporation. (…) The $3 billion railway is financed by the Export-Import Bank of China. The line covers 656km from Addis Ababa to the Dewale border town, with the other 100km stretching to Djibouti’s Doraleh port.
Mr Getachew also said that other electric railway line linking the north and the northeast Ethiopia with Djibouti’s Tajura port, was 30 per cent complete. The Ethiopian Railway Corporation also plans to increase the 32km Addis Ababa city light railway to 100km in next five years.

8 June 2016  Ethiopia sets up state-owned company to develop biofuels, fossil fuels and mining. Meghan Sapp, BiofuelsDigest
In Ethiopia, the government has set up a state-owned Mineral, Petroleum and Biofuel Corporation will the goal of establishing biofuel as well as fossil fuel and mining operations in the country. Currently, the vast majority of biofuels used in the country comes from molasses-based ethanol following failed attempts at jatropha and castor for biodiesel. Biofuels and renewable energy remain a key part of the landlocked country’s policies to achieve energy independence. Exploration over the past 40 years have indicated potential mineral and fossil fuel resources could be viably extracted as well.

7 June 2016  Earnings From Tourism Below Expectations. Addis Fortune
Ethiopia's earnings of 2.6 billion dollars from 711,000 visitors met only 88pc of the target planned for the first nine months of this fiscal year, data from the Ministry of Culture & Tourism indicate. During this period, the Ministry issued licences for 393 tour companies and 500 individual tour guides. Some 800 are now licensed to provide tour services, according to the Ministry's nine-month report. (…) The country received 740,000 visitors in 2014/15 and secured close to three billion dollars. The Ministry is aspiring to double that sum, and is planning for revenue of six billion dollars per annum as proposed in the second Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP II). Neighbouring country, Kenya, received 608,290 visitors in the last nine months. In the next five years, the plan is to increase the number of tourist arrivals three-fold.


9 June 2016  Ethiopian Catholic University set to grow. Makeda Yohannes, Ethiopian Catholic Secretariat, Vatican Radio
The Ethiopian Catholic University of Saint Thomas Aquinas (ECUSTA) is constructing a university campus on a 600,000 sq.m land in Addis Ababa. The University will initially accommodate science faculties such as medicine and different fields of engineering in accordance with the national developmental goals of the Ethiopia. (…) Fr. Tekle Meconnen, President of ECUSTA for his part said that the university was planning to begin accepting students in the new campus in the field of Prenatal Medicine starting February 2017. According to Fr. Tekle the construction of the ECUSTA campus will be completed in different phases while the learning-teaching process is going on. ECUSTA plans to begin with 5000 students per year and increase the number as they go on. ECUSTA is founded by the Catholic Bishops Conference of Ethiopia following the request of the late Ethiopian Prime Minister, Meles Zenawi to Pope Saint John Paul II, to establish a Catholic University in Ethiopia. Currently, ECUSTA is offering courses in Laboratory Science, Social Work and IT at two different campuses


9 June 2016  Elite Ethiopian athletes protest Rio Olympic selection process. Elias Meseret
ADDISABABA, Ethiopia (DireTube News) - Elite Ethiopian athletes have protested what they called an ‘unjust’ and ‘biased’ selection process for the upcoming Rio Olympics. In a meeting the senior athletes held at the National Stadium in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa on Tuesday, they have called for transparency and performance based selection process.
“The Ethiopian Athletics Federation is marred with incompetency, bias and hatred towards veteran athletes,” Ethiopia’s long distance running legend Haile Gebreselassie said. “There is lack of capacity with the coaches and with the management. If I was the coach, Kenenisa Bekele would have definitely made it to the team. I think Ethiopia's team in Rio will register a disappointing result if the current selection process continues.”
Kenenisa Bekele was excluded from the Rio Olympic due to what Ethiopian athletics officials said was his inability to meet the selection requirements. “I was excluded from the Rio team due to a wrong qualification process that athletics officials put in place,” Kenenisa said adding that most of the people at the athletics federation who devised the qualification measures lack knowledge about the sport and are driven by personal interest. “There are some people who abuse the athletics federation, especially those at the technic committee.
There is a clear lack of competence and most of them are chasing only personal interests.” According to Kenenisa, the Federation’s requirement that included results from the past 2 years was put in place to benefit some athletes and disregard the ones who recently registered good results. He disclosed on Tuesday that he is no more interested in Rio and will reject any calls from the country’s athletics officials even if they called him in again. The elite athletes have set up a 10 member committee including Haile Gebreselassie and Kenenisa Bekele to oversee and orchestrate the concerns they had ahead of the Rio Olympic.

9 June 2016  Ethiopia's Bekele to miss Olympics despite protests over his exclusion. Africanews
Despite protests over the exclusion of Ethiopia’s long distance champion, Kenenisa Bekele from representing his country in the Rio Olympics in August, the Ethiopian Athletics Federation said on Wednesday that they will not reconsider their selection criteria to make room for the runner.
The officials insist that Bekele did not met the set of rules that would see him become part of a four-man team.
“We have a criteria to select athletes for the Olympic Games, unfortunately one of our best and most famous athlete has not met these requirements. If we don’t take Kenenisa to the Games, it is not because we hate him, it is because he did not gather enough points during the selection to go to the games,” said the Ethiopian Athletics Federation president Alebachew Nigusse

8 June 2016  Rio Olympics: Is Ethiopia Discriminating On Bekele Because He’s Oromo?   Kevin Mwanza. AFK Insider
Ethiopia’s decision to leave out one of its best distance runner, Kenenisa Bekele, from its squad to the 2016 Rio Olympics came as a shock announcement to many. (…) Another runner from the same ethnic group says he was exiled. (…) Bekele told Africa News Agency that the decision to exclude him from participating was “unjust” and the selection criteria “biased”, but never mentioned that he was discriminated against on ethnic grounds. (…) “I ran the London Marathon before even finishing my training and registered a good point. I did that because I wanted to be considered for the Rio Olympics,” Bekele told ANA in an interview. “I am very disappointed with the decision.”
The Ethiopian Athletics Federation however says the world record holder failed to meet the requirements, which included an athlete representing his country in world championships, and having the ability to handle pressure in competition abroad. Bekele said the federation announced its selection less than two months before the games, leaving athletes little time to prepare.

Eritrea, Somalia, Al-Shabab

09 June 2016  30 Ethiopian troops killed in attack by militants in Somalia. AP
Mogadishu, Somalia: At least 30 Ethiopian troops were killed Thursday in an attack on a base for African Union peacekeepers in central Somalia, a Somali military official said. Reports suggest that the actual number of death would be much higher. A suicide bomber detonated his explosives-laden vehicle early Thursday at the gates of the Ethiopian military base there before gunmen entered the base, said Mohamed Mohamud, a military officer in the town of Halgan, where the attack happened. The death toll is likely to rise, he said. The Islamic extremist group al-Shabab claimed it had killed 43 Ethiopian soldiers in the attack. But the Ethiopian Communications Minister Getachew Reda told The Associated Press that the assault was repelled and that more than 100 of the attackers were killed. He did not say how many Ethiopians were killed or injured. Ethiopian troops are pursuing the militants who fled led during the firefight, he said.

9 June 2016  Ethiopia says army killed 101 jihadists in Somali raid. AFP
Ethiopia has said that its soldiers deployed in Somalia killed 101 Shabaab fighters who on Thursday attacked an army base used by the African Union force fighting the Al-Qaeda linked group. The Shabaab movement earlier announced a major assault on the base in Halgan in the central Hiran region of the arid Horn of Africa nation, via its Telegram messaging platform. Ethiopian government spokesman Getachew Reda dismissed a claim by the Shabaab that they had killed dozens of soldiers, while losing just 16 of their own fighters. (…) "The Mujahideen fighters stormed the base and massacred many of the Ethiopians," the Shabaab claimed on Telegram, putting the death toll among the troops at 60.
On its Twitter account, AMISOM -- comprising troops from Burundi, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda -- confirmed "an attempted Shabaab attack" but gave no figures. "The enemy was successfully repulsed," AMISOM said, claiming also to be "in pursuit" of the attackers.
Residents in the area close to Halgan said the attack began when a vehicle driven by a suicide bomber exploded at the entrance to the base, after which jihadist gunmen fought their way in. "There was a huge blast and then heavy exchange of gunfire started," said Osman Adan, a resident living nearby. Shooting had died down by mid-morning Thursday and local authorities confirmed the clashes.(…)
This is the first such raid on an Ethiopian outpost in Somalia. The Shabaab was forced out of the capital Mogadishu five years ago but continues to carry out regular attacks on military, government and civilian targets in its battle to overthrow the internationally-backed administration. The group typically intensifies attacks during Ramadan, but this year is considered critical, with the Shabaab eager to disrupt an expected change of government leadership due in the coming months.

9. Juni 2016  Die versklavte Bevölkerung. Die UN-Kommission wirft der Regierung schwere Verbrechen vor und will Anklage erheben. Die EU sieht das Land als Migrationspartner. Dominic Johnson, die tageszeitung!5308619/
BERLIN taz | Eritreas Regierung begeht Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit an der eigenen Bevölkerung und gehört deswegen vor den Internationalen Strafgerichtshof: Das ist die Feststellung einer Untersuchungskommission des UN-Menschenrechtsrats in ihrem am Mittwoch veröffentlichten Abschlussbericht. Menschenrechtsgruppen fordern nun, sämtliche Überlegungen auf EU-Ebene zu einer Zusammenarbeit mit dem eritreischen Staat bei der Flüchtlingsabwehr auf Eis zu legen.
„Die Kommission hat Grund zur Annahme, dass in Eritrea seit 1991 Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit begangen worden sind, nämlich Versklavung, Inhaftierung, Verschwindenlassen, Folter, andere unmenschliche Akte, Verfolgung, Vergewaltigung und Mord“, steht gleich zu Beginn des Berichts, der auf mehrjährige Recherchen folgt. „Die Kommission kommt zum Schluss, dass Eritrea ohne umfassende rechtliche und institutionelle Reformen nicht in der Lage ist, seiner Rechenschaftspflicht für diese Verbrechen und Verletzungen nachzukommen. Sie empfiehlt daher, dass der Sicherheitsrat die Lage in Eritrea dem Chefankläger des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs zur Prüfung vorlegt.“
Bereits im Juni 2015 hatte die Untersuchungskommission staatliche Verfolgung in Eritrea ausführlich dokumentiert. Dieser Bericht war von Eritreas Regierung und ihren Verbündeten scharf kritisiert worden, unter anderem weil die UN-Ermittler Eritrea nicht besucht hatten – die Regierung hatte das nicht erlaubt. Für den Abschlussbericht durfte eine UN-Delegation ins Land, nicht aber die Untersuchungskommission.
Eritreas Regierung unter dem Präsidenten und ehemaligen Befreiungskämpfer Iasaias Afeworki verübe seit der Unabhängigkeit des Landes im Mai 1991 einen „andauernden, ausgedehnten und systematischen Angriff gegen die Zivilbevölkerung von Eritrea“, so die Kommission, so die Kommission. Die Wertung als „ausgedehnt und systematisch“ entspricht der Definition eines Verbrechens gegen die Menschlichkeit im Völkerstrafrecht.
Ausreise verboten
Folter werde in zivilen und militärischen Einrichtungen weiterhin „ausgedehnt und systematisch“ angewandt, heißt es weiter. Es gebe weiterhin sexualisierte Gewalt gegen Männer und Frauen in der Haft, Bestrafung von Familienangehörigen von Flüchtlingen, Hinrichtungen und Zwangsarbeit, ebenso die als Zwangsrekrutierung zu wertende zeitlich unbegrenzte Wehrpflicht.
Die politische Brisanz liegt nicht nur in der Dimension der Vorwürfe, sondern auch im Umstand, dass er mitten in die Diskussionen über eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen der EU und Eritrea zur Eindämmung der illegalen Migration läuft. Eritrea erlaubt seinen Bürgern generell die Ausreise nicht. Rund 5.000 Menschen fliehen jeden Monat aus dem Land mit weniger als 6 Millionen Einwohnern; 2015 beantragten laut UNO 47.025 Eritreer Asyl in einem EU-Land.
Die zivilgesellschaftliche Lobbygruppe EEPA, die für eine menschenrechtsorientierte EU-Außenpolitik eintritt, verlangt nun eine „sofortige und unzweideutige Antwort“ auf den UN-Bericht. Eritrea ist eines der 16 Länder, mit denen die EU vertieft über gemeinsame Maßnahmen gegen Flüchtlingsströme spricht; im Rahmen des „Khartum-Prozesses“ zu Europas Zusammenarbeit mit den Regierungen am Horn von Afrika gegen illegale Migration ist auch Eritrea ein Partner. Menschenrechtler monieren, dass es auch um polizeilichen und geheimdienstlichen Informationsaustausch gehe. Es könne keine Kooperation mit einem Regime geben, das als Täter von Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit identifiziert wird.
