Meldungen von November 2016
von Redakteur
15.11.2016 New drought looming in southeastern Ethiopia – likely to affect millions of livestock owners. FAO
Ethiopia is bracing for a new drought across significant swathes of livestock-dependent southeastern areas of the country, mere months after the worst drought in 50 years severely affected smallholder crop production and claimed hundreds of thousands of livestock nationwide. Already, monitoring teams on the ground have observed deteriorating animal body conditions and market price instability with the price of grain increasing in response to livestock sector shocks in at least one region. A mission from the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries recently reported that close to 10 percent of the livestock population in pastoralist areas of Oromia – the nation’s largest region – need urgent animal feed and other supplementary support. Officials indicated that there is a critical water shortage for both livestock and humans, with water points in many communities almost completely dried up. Pasture and rangelands have also been affected and will worsen in the months ahead if the season does not improve significantly. Abnormal animal migrations were also observed, so too were the risks of cross-border animal disease outbreaks as a result of weakened herds and animal health support gaps. Borena Zone of Oromia Region, it was noted, was particularly at risk for a significant animal disease outbreak – 370 000 livestock currently require urgent emergency animal feed in Oromia alone.
Rainfall performance for the critical October to December rains, known across the southeastern areas of the country as deyr, hagaya or dadda , remain below normal according to the country’s National Meteorological Agency. The rains account for up to 45 percent of the total annual rainfall in some areas. The failure of the season will mean that households in pastoralist and agropastoralist dominant areas such as Borena Zone of Oromia, south Somali and south Omo in Southern Nations Nationalities and People’s Region (SNNPR) will have no source to replenish local water points and pasture until April 2017 when the spring rains are expected to commence. The impact on meat and milk production as well as household food and nutrition security is potentially catastrophic.
The poor season will compound an already dire humanitarian situation in the livestock sector – more than 2.4 million livestock-dependent households need livelihood support such as animal health assistance – treatments and vaccinations, water point rehabilitation and emergency animal feed provisions. As of August 2016, 9.7 million Ethiopians were in need of food assistance, that number is expected to climb considerably if rainfall trends remain and drought occurs in the south of the country.
Livestock sector critically underfunded
“Funding to the livestock sector was very poor during the previous drought and as a result many households were not able to get back on their feet quickly enough. The country was fortunate to experience some improvement in pasture and water due to better seasonal rains, however, these have proven to be short lived,” said Amadou Allahoury, FAO representative to Ethiopia. Mr. Allahoury stressed the importance of collective mobilizing to protect livelihoods and warned of greater challenges ahead if funding is not secured for the sector. “If the international community does not act decisively to protect livestock-based livelihoods in the next several weeks we may face an extremely difficult humanitarian crisis in the southern areas. Livestock are already responding to the stress of pasture and water shortages and interventions must be in place now to prevent an escalation of the situation,” he said.
Sector-wide, humanitarian partners only managed to raise about USD 13 million in funding for livestock activities, according to a preliminary assessment of the response. In 2015/2016 the bulk of contributions from donors were earmarked for the emergency seed response – estimated at around USD 35 million. The seed response provided 32 000 tonnes of seed to 1.5 million farming households ahead of the meher season, the largest response of its kind in Ethiopia’s history. However, the response in the livestock sector paled in comparison as the strategic importance of staple crop production and other humanitarian interventions took priority in a deeply competitive funding environment. Ethiopia has the largest livestock population in Africa, boasting more than 100 million cattle, sheep, goats and equines, much of which are concentrated in the southern pastoralist Regions of Somali, SNNP and Oromia and in the northeastern Afar Region.
The current weather patterns have been attributed to the Indian Ocean Dipole phenomenon or ‘Indian Niño’, a consequence of global warming’s effect on climate change. Livestock diseases brought on by global warming will continue to affect herd survival, marketability and the incomes and livelihoods of livestock-dependent households. The increase in temperature also causes heat stress which severely affects the health of livestock, impacting factors such as growth performance, reproduction and milk production. During the El Niño induced-drought, milk production halved or halted altogether in pastoralist areas. A minimum of 2 to 3 years is required for livestock to return to their pre-crisis production levels.
FAO Ethiopia is urgently appealing for USD 14 million to respond to livestock and crop gaps in the upcoming months. The bulk of this support is required for animal treatments and vaccinations, animal feed distributions and water point rehabilitation. In the crops sector, the Organization aims to provide post-harvest loss interventions in order to protect the production gains made during the recent meher seed response which it coordinated alongside the Government of Ethiopia.
10.11.2016 ETHIOPIA Food Security Outlook. Crisis (IPC Phase 3) expected in parts of Oromia, SNNPR, and southern pastoral areas
• Meher harvests starting in October are significantly reducing the number of people in Crisis (IPC Phase 3) or worse. However, poor Kiremt rainfall in eastern and central Oromia and SNNPR, low livestock holdings in pastoral southern Afar and Shinile, and expected poor performance of October to December rainfall in southern pastoral areas are likely to lead to above-average food assistance needs in 2016/17.
• Below-average Kiremt rainfall and dry spells in the lowlands of central and eastern Oromia and the Rift Valley in SNNPR is likely to lead to below-average Meher harvests. The expected below-average production, coupled with low income from agricultural labor, is likely to drive poor households into Crisis (IPC Phase 3) between February to May 2017 in these areas.
• In southern pastoral areas, below-average October to December rainfall is likely to lead to a substantial deterioration of pasture and water resources. Long-distance migration of livestock and below-average food and income from livestock products will limit houeholds’ food access. Parts of southern SNNPR and Somali Region will be in Crisis (IPC Phase 3) during the pastoral lean season in February and March 2017.
• Overall Meher production is expected to be near to slightly below average. Performance of Kiremt seasonal rainfall was near or above-average in many areas, although waterlogging reduced yields in some localized areas. Expected near-average harvests will support normal food access in many western and northwestern areas of the country, which will be face Minimal (IPC Phase 1) acute food insecurity between October 2016 and May 2017.
The full report can be downloaded here:
9.11.2016 Scaling Climate-Smart Agriculture in Ethiopia, from the Ground Up. africa on the rise, Clinton McDubus
(…) For decades, Ethiopia’s farmers have relied on general recommendations regarding fertilizers and farming practices that had little regard for local conditions. Harvest shortfalls, excessive and inappropriate use of chemical fertilizers limited to urea and DAP, and fertilizer runoff occurred as a result.
EthioSIS aims to change that, by providing farmers with localized, actionable data for making climate-smart farming decisions that boost productivity, improve resilience and also leave a lower environmental footprint. To support farmers in applying more customized fertilizer mixes, five fertilizer blending plants with the capacity to produce over 30,000 metric tons have also been established in Ethiopia’s biggest agriculture growing areas, including Amhara, Oromia and Tigray. In addition, more than five thousand extension workers have been trained in compost preparation and soil fertility improvement techniques so that they can pass on their knowledge to farmers across the country.
Access to soil information could be transformative for millions of people—and even the country as a whole. “Over 80 percent of Ethiopia’s labor force is engaged in the agriculture sector,” says Andrew Goodland, Program Leader for the World Bank’s Agriculture Global Practice in Ethiopia. “By providing millions of farmers with the opportunity to make more climate-smart farming decisions, the project’s contribution to the Ethiopian government’s goal of becoming a green economy by 2025 could be significant.”
5.11.2016 Commission continues to provide food aid to millions. Berihu Shiferaw, Walta Information Center
The National Disaster Risk Management Commission has announ-ced that it will continue to provide food aid to 9.7 million drought victims till the end of December 2016. (…) He said that more than 1.45 million metric tons of food has been distributed in the past month alone.
According to the director, the number of drought victims has dropped from 10.2 million people at the peak of the drought to 9.7 million following the onset of the rainy season. The stated figure has been approved through field survey, he said. The director noted that the rain that has been falling since last March has revived the country’s hope. However, the food aid distribution will continue till the victims collect their harvest for the year, he said. (…) Ethiopia has spent more than 16.7 billion birr to fight the worst drought in its recent history in partnership with local, international NGOs and organizations like WFP, USAID.
4.11.2016 UNICEF Ethiopia Humanitarian Situation Report #9 – Reporting Period October 2016
• From 3 September to 30 October 2016, 36,673 South Sudanese refugees have crossed the border into Gambella Region in Western Ethiopia. The average daily arrival rate has decreased from 1,000 at the beginning of September to 630 by end October. A new refugee camp, Nguenyyiel, has been opened.
• Between January and August 2016, 221,233 children with severe acute malnutrition were admitted to the national Community Management of Acute Malnutrition programme. Out of these, 17,809 children (8 per cent) were admitted to in-patient care.
• The Acute Watery Diarrhea (AWD) outbreak has continued since November 2015. With the exception of Gambella, all regions are now affected. The overall outbreak trend significantly decreased in October 2016, especially in Addis Ababa city. However, AWD is still a major concern.
• The Education Cluster is underfunded with only US$5.6 million (20 per cent) of the required funding received. Educational materials are still required for 2.32 million children affected by humanitarian crises.
• On 9 October 2016, the Government of Ethiopia declared a state of emergency following protests in Amhara and Oromia regions. This had severe impacts on the delivery of humanitarian service.
Situation in Numbers
• 9.7 million people, including 5.7 million children require relief food assistance in 2016. (HRD, August 2016).
• 420,000 children are expected to require treatment for SAM in 2016. (HRD, August 2016)
• 3.9 million people require access to safe drinking water. (HRD, August 2016)
• Currently, there are 761,302 refugees in Ethiopia. (UNHCR, September 2016).
• UNICEF requires US$124 million for its humanitarian work in 2016, including US$115.5 million for the drought response and US$8.5 million for refugee programming.
- Politics, Justice, Human Rights -
29.11.2016 Coalition renewed vow to struggle for democratic Ethiopia. ecadforum
(ESAT News) — Leaders of the recently established political coalition held a public meeting in Stockholm, Sweden, on Sunday where they renewed their commitment to work for the formation of an all inclusive democratic system in Ethiopia.
The leaders of the Ethiopian National Movement, who officially launched the coalition in October at a signing ceremony in Silver Spring, Maryland, have also noted that the issues of ethnicity in Ethiopia would be resolved once and for all when there is a system in place that respects the rights of every individual.
The four parties making the coalition are the Oromo Democratic Movement (ODF), Patriotic Ginbot 7 Movement for Unity and Democracy, Afar People’s Party and Sidama People’s Democratic Movement. (…)
28.11.2016 50 Tage Ausnahmezustand in Äthiopien. Menschenrechtler berichten von Klima der Angst. Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker
Göttingen. - 50 Tage nach der Ausrufung des Ausnahmezustands in Äthiopien hat die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) von einem Klima der Angst und Einschüchterung in ländlichen Gebieten der besonders von Protesten gezeichneten Region Oromia berichtet. "Die Menschen fürchten weitere willkürliche Verhaftungen. Fast jeder kennt jemanden, der wegen der öffentlichen Proteste gegen die Regierungspolitik festgenommen wurde und seither verschwunden ist", berichtete die Menschenrechtsorganisation am Montag.
"Spitzel der Staatssicherheit, Zensur und die Blockade sozialer Medien, vieler Fernsehsender sowie des Internets schüren das Gefühl der Menschen, einer Kontaktsperre zu unterliegen und von der Außenwelt isoliert zu sein", sagte der GfbV-Afrikareferent Ulrich Delius. So müssen auf Anordnung der Behörden auch Satellitenschüsseln abgebaut werden.
Der Bericht beschreibt die Eindrücke eines mit Oromia vertrauten Reisenden über seine Rückkehr in eine Region, die sich seit dem Beginn der nun schon seit November 2015 andauernden Proteste tiefgreifend verändert hat. Angst und Misstrauen vor Nachbarn und Polizei bestimmen das Leben. Selbst Kinder werden dazu angehalten, mit spielerischem Verhalten nicht die Familie zu gefährden. So sollen sie auf keinen Fall die Geste der überkreuzten, hoch erhobenen Arme zeigen, mit der der Marathonläufer Feyisa Lilesa bei der Olympiade in Rio de Janeiro den Widerstand der Oromo weltweit bekannt gemacht hat. Die Geste wird inzwischen mit fünf Jahren Gefängnis geahndet, heißt es in der Bevölkerung.
Viele Menschen sind verängstigt, weil Sicherheitskräfte willkürlich junge Oromo aufgreifen und festnehmen. Sie gelten in den Augen der Polizei potentiell als verdächtig, weil sich viele Oberschüler und Studenten an den Protesten beteiligten. Die Verhafteten sollen in Militärlagern in Tolay, Awash Arba, Huriso und Dhedhessa festgehalten werden. Viele Angehörige sind verzweifelt, weil sie seit Monaten vergeblich auf ein Lebenszeichen der Festgenommenen warten. Doch niemand beschwert sich, weil man nicht auffallen und in den Fokus der Sicherheitskräfte geraten möchte.
Nach offiziellen Angaben wurden seit der Verhängung des Ausnah-mezustandes bereits mehr als 11.000 Oromo verhaftet. Doch die tatsächlichen Zahlen sollen deutlich höher sein. Seit Beginn der Proteste wurden Schätzungen zufolge rund 50.000 Personen festgenommen. Zwischen August und Ende Oktober 2016 kamen mindestens 1.218 Oromo bei der Niederschlagung von Protesten gewaltsam zu Tode.
27.11.2016 Heavy fighting broke out between Ethiopian army and Ginbot 7 rebels. Surafel Asrat, Abbay Media
A heavy fight between Ethiopian government troops and Patriotic Ginbot 7 forces broke out in the outskirts of Gonder. Abbay Media sources from the war zone confirmed that there have been very heavy fight going on between the two foes since yesterday. This is the first time that the Ethiopian army used its military tanks and sophisticated machine guns against Patriotic Ginbot 7 forces. (…)
27.11.2016 Ethiopia Foils Ginbot 7 Attack in the Tigray Region and Arrests Over 70 Fighters, 15 Shot Dead. Kofi Saa, Zegabi
Ethiopian authorities have foiled an attack from Ginbot 7 after the banned opposition group attempted to invade the country from neighboring Eritrea. Ethiopia’s Ministry of Defense said on Saturday that about 113 armed members of the group tried to enter the country through the west Tigray zone, Fana Broadcasting reported. (…)
26.11.2016 High-profile cardiologist convicted on corruption charges implicated in deadly prison fire. Tamiru Tsige, The Reporter
Dr. Fikru Maru, the high-profile cardiologist who was convicted on corruption charges, was indicted along with 37 other suspects for starting the deadly fire that broke out in the Qilinto federal penitentiary on September 3 that led to the death of 23 inmates and razed property worth 15 million Birr.
In a charge filed with the 19th Criminal Bench of the Federal High Court the federal Attorney General accused the suspects of violating Articles 32 and 38 of the Revised Criminal Code as well as Article 3 of the Anti-Terrorism Proclamation No. 652/2009. The indictment states that the defendants were under custody on charges of carrying out the mission given to them by the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), Ginbot 7 and Al-Shabaab, groups designated as terrorists by Parliament, with the aim of pressuring the government.
The charge further reads that the defendants, intent on instigating a riot inside Qilinto so as to break out and join the terror groups, had engaged beginning January 2016 in recruiting and organizing inmates for said purpose. It accuses the suspects of raising money from abroad and prisoners jailed in local prisons to finance what they called the “terror and gang group”, a group comprised of inmates charged with serious offences, to perpetrate the riot.
Dr. Fikru, 66, is accused of financing the “terror and gang group” to the tune of 70,000 Birr and giving instructions to the group to carry out the insurrection. The group is said to have organized the defendants under cells and exchanged information through encrypted codes. Though it had planned to set off the riot in March 2016, it put off its plans because members of the OLF and Ginbot 7 who were anticipated to join Qilinto as inmates did not, according to the charge.
The defendants allegedly conspired to murder inmates they suspected of ratting on them to prison authorities and beat them to death with steel bars. They then abducted and disarmed prison officers who were conducting a routine a head count, freed prisoners and set prison cells on fire.
Dr. Fikru, the part-owner of Addis Cardiac Medical Center was sentenced to 4 years and eight months for corruption following a trial in which he was co-defendant with Melaku Fenta, the former Director General of the Ethiopian Revenues and Customs Authority,
24.11.2016 At least 38 inmates in Ethiopia charged with causing a deadly prison fire. Adeeko Ademola
At least 38 inmates have been charged in an Ethiopian court with causing a fire that led to the death of dozens of fellow prisoners in September. Authorities say more than 20 inmates died when fire broke out at the Kilinto prison, on the outskirts of the capital Addis Ababa, which at the time was holding hundreds of anti-government protesters and some prominent opposition figures. Details of what exactly caused the fire at the prison in early September remain scarce and the charges against the prisoners contradict earlier accounts by the authorities. t the time, the government said 23 inmates had died of suffocation. The charge sheet says the dead prisoners were beaten before being burnt to death.
The 38 have further been charged with incitement and trying to recruit other prisoners to join banned groups, including the Somali Islamist militant group al-Shabab. Opposition figures and rights groups have constantly disputed the account given by the authorities and say some of the dead bodies had bullet wounds.
18.11.2016 Court sentences university students to various terms in jail. Addis Standard
The Federal High court 19th criminal bench has yesterday sentenced three of the five university students, who were arrested in April-May 2014 during the first #OromoProtests, to various terms in jail. (…) They were subsequently charged with violating various articles in Ethiopia’s sweeping Anti-Terrorism Proclamation (ATP). One of the six (…) was acquitted by the court during the early days of the trial, although he has been in and out of prison since. The remaining five were charged for having connections with the outlawed Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), and for inciting violence during the students’ protests.
17.11.2016 Normality Has Returned after State of Emergency: PM Hailemariam. ENA
Ethiopia has returned to normalcy after the imposition of the state of emergency, Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn said. Briefing diplomats residing in Ethiopia about developments regarding the state of emergency today, the premier said “you can be assured that the country is back to normal.’’
According to the premier, given the gravity of the situation the government was not able to tackle the problem with legal parameters that existed and the people were asking the government to restore peace and order; and that necessitated the declaration of the state of emergency. The PM said over 90 percent of the detainees who voluntarily handed over themselves to the command post and others who committed minor crimes will return to the community after they are given orientation on the constitution. (…)
“We have got lessons from the incident, but it did not affect our economic performance”, the premier stated, adding that “agriculture is expected to grow by 12 percent while the flow of foreign direct investment is on the increase. We are on the way of transforming our economy to industrialization through industrial parks’’.
Hailemariam called on the diplomats to contribute their share by helping terrorists and anti-peace elements that have been instigating violence from abroad to face justice.
After the briefing, Chinese Ambassador La Yifan said “the manner in which the Ethiopian government is trying to implement the state of emergency in a transparent way is a clear demonstration of confidence on the part of the government to continue maintaining peace and stability in the country’’.
EU Ambassador Hebbe Recht Chantal said “we believe that it is important to find a balanced and coordinated timetable between the security measures to protect the people and the initiating of the political and social reforms.’’ The diplomats congratulated the Ethiopian government for handling the difficult situation and maintaining peace and stability in the east African region.
17.11.2016 Ethiopia Charged 22 Individuals with Terrorism. GEESKA AFRICA, Addis Standard
Prosecutors have today charged 22 individuals at the Federal High Court, Fourth Criminal Bench with terrorism.
Accordingly, prosecutors alleged that the 22 individuals under the file name of the first defendant Dereje Alemu Desta, are suspected of inciting violence and causing damage to properties in West Wollega zone, Biqiltu Ankora primary school, in Western Ethiopia, on Dec. 14 2015. The suspects were acting up on instructions they have received from senior members of the banned Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) based in Kenya and Norway. (…) Defendants are expected to present their preliminary objection during the next court hearing adjourned for November 25th.
Since the start of widespread public protests in November 2015, there has been an unprecedented surge in the number of individuals facing terrorism charges in Ethiopia. Currently, another group of 22, including prominent opposition member Bekele Gerba, first secretary general of the opposition Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) are facing charges of terrorism. Several other opposition party members and journalists are also appearing in court after being charged with the country’s infamous Anti-terrorism proclamation (ATP).
17.11.2016 Ethiopian Newspaper Editor, Bloggers Caught in Worsening Crackdown. AllAfrica, Committee to Protect Journalists
Nairobi — Ethiopia should immediately release all journalists detained amid an intensifying crackdown on the media, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. In recent weeks, Ethiopian authorities have jailed a newspaper editor, as well as two members of the award-winning Zone 9 bloggers' collective, which has faced continuous legal harassment on terrorism and incitement charges. A fourth journalist has been missing for a week; his family fears he is in state custody. (…)
Ethiopia's Supreme Court on November 15 continued hearing prosecutors' appeal of a lower court's October 2015 acquittal of four bloggers from the Zone 9 collective--Befekadu Hailu, Natnail Feleke, Abel Wabella, and Atnaf Berhane--on terrorism charges, campaigners reported on social media.
Security forces again detained Befekadu--a co-founder of the collective, which CPJ honored with its 2015 International Press Freedom Award--from his home on November 11, according to news reports. Authorities have not yet announced any new charge against the blogger. (…) When the terrorism charge against the bloggers was dismissed by the judge in October last year, Befekadu was informed that he would still face incitement charges, according to media reports. That case is still before the courts.
Ethiopian Information Minister Negeri Lencho did not respond to CPJ's calls and text messages seeking more information.
Security forces also detained another Zone 9 blogger, Natnail Feleke, on October 4 on charges he had made "seditious remarks" in a restaurant while criticizing security forces' lethal dispersal of a protest, according to diaspora news websites.
Separately, a court in the capital Addis Ababa on November 15 sentenced Getachew Worku, the editor of the independent weekly newspaper Ethio-Mihidar, to one year in prison on charges of "defamation and spreading false information" in connection with an article published in the newspaper alleging corruption in a monastery, the Addis Standard news website reported.
Abdi Gada, an unemployed television journalist, has not been seen since November 9, family and friends told diaspora media. The journalist's family and friends told the Ethiopian diaspora opposition website Voices for Voiceless that they fear he is in state custody.
Ethiopia ranked fourth on CPJ's 2015 list of the 10 Most Censored Countries and is the third-worst jailer of journalists in Africa, according to CPJ's 2015 prison census.
7.11.2016 Ethiopia Lifts Travel Curbs on Diplomats Imposed After Protests. Voice of America
Ethiopia has lifted travel restrictions imposed on diplomats under emergency rule, saying calm has been restored after months of violent protests. (…) The emergency decree included restrictions on opposition party activity, curfews and a ban on diplomats traveling more than 40 km (25 miles) outside the capital Addis Ababa without authorization. Authorities had said the purpose of the ban was to ensure diplomats' safety.
"Diplomats can now move to any corner of the country without notifying the Command Post since peace and stability has been restored," the state-run Ethiopian News Agency quoted Defense Minister Siraj Fegesa as saying on Tuesday. Almost all other restrictions remain in place, it added. Mobile internet service and social media remain blocked in the capital. (…)
5.11.2016 Opposition block laud academic based ministerial assignment. ENA
The academic based appointment of cabinet ministers is a sign that the government's promise of renewal is translating into actions, according to leaders of some opposition parties. The leaders of Ethiopian Justice and Democratic Forces Front and the Ethiopian Raeie Party told ENA that they expect better changes considering the well informed appointment of cabinet ministers. (…)
EPRDF’s Head of Public Relations Redae Halefom responded saying the government will build on the culture of working with opposition parties. As long as the opposing parties bring forward alternative policy directions, there is no way that the government will not consider their opinions, the head said. He indicated government plans to even allow the parties to present their opinions in various meetings of the ruling party.
5.11.2016 Ethiopia’s Newly Appointed Minister of Information Vows to Promote Free Media and Press. Ludovica Iaccino, IBTimes UK
Ethiopia’s new minister of information Negeri Lencho, PhD has said he is committed to promoting free press in his country. Negeri Lencho took office following a cabinet reshuffle earlier in November, which saw the appointment of 21 ministers. (…) “We cannot build democracy without vibrant media, without public participation, without tolerance and stability,” Lencho told the BBC. “This is a challenge and I like the challenges because I want to see a better media landscape… I’m not taking this office for a luxury.“
4.11.2016 'We are trying to build a transparent culture in Ethiopia'
Ethiopia's newly-appointed communications minister has been telling the BBC about his commitment to a free press. Negeri Lencho, a former journalism lecturer, was appointed following a cabinet reshuffle earlier this week. Ethiopia has been criticised for its treatment of journalists, but in a BBC interview Mr Negeri says that journalists should be allowed to do their job. But he added that they should also act responsibly.
4.11.2016 Cabinet has capability to address public concerns: University Students. ENA
Students of higher learning institutions expressed their belief on the new cabinet in addressing maladministration and challenges the youth have faced. The composition of the cabinet which comprises academicians, will give the government the capability to solve challenges on scientific and practical studies, the students of Addis Ababa and Civil Service universities whom ENA has interviewed said. (…)
4.11.2016 Gov’t, Ethiopian Unity Patriots Front ink peace accord. Walta Information Center
A peace agreement has been signed between the government of Ethiopia and the Ethiopian Unity Patriots Front (EUPF). The Front that has been in armed struggle agreed to abide by the constitution, operate peacefully and stand for the benefit of the county. The Front inked an 8-point peace agreement with the Ethiopian government following the successive discussions both sides held since 2004 E.C. Minister of Defense, Siraj Fegessa, said various organizations that have been in armed struggle against the government are entering into peaceful activities and EUPF is one of them. (…)
3.11.2016 Hailemariam vows ‘no tolerance’ towards anti-dev't forces. ENA
Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn has told the Parliament that the government will not tolerate disruptive actions of anti-peace forces operating locally and in the Diaspora. The Premier confirmed that the government will continue taking all necessary measures on forces that disrupt peace and tranquility in the country. Hailemariam was responding to questions raised by members of the House of People's Representatives during the second year third regular session of the House on Tuesday. Anti-peace forces are out to obstruct the pace of development in the country, he said, promising a strong government action against such destructive acts. (…)
2.11.2016 Five Takeaways from PM Hailemariam’s new Cabinet. Daniel Berhane, Horn Affairs
Just a year after forming a new government, Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn returned to parliament to announce a reshuffle. On Tuesday, the Premier presented a new cabinet to the parliament, entirely populated by the ruling party EPRDF.
The Cabinet reshuffle has been promised after last September’s EPRDF leadership meeting. The party, chaired by Hailemariam Desalegn, pledged to undertake “deep reforms” to solve the root causes of the protests that engulfed much of the nation. One of those fixes is the leadership reshuffle. Nonetheless, in the past two months, only one of the four member parties of EPRDF undertook party leadership change. That had dampened the public expec-tations. However, somehow, Hailemariam managed to come with eye-catching changes at the federal government level.
(…) the ministerial appointees belong to six parties. Twenty-seven were nominated by the four parties that make up the EPRDF, while three are from EPRDF allied parties.
* Eight nominated by ANDM (Amhara National Democratic Movement)
* Nine nominated by OPDO (Oromo Peoples Democratic Organization)
* Six nominated by SEPDM (Southern Peoples Democratic Movement) and
* Four nominated by TPLF (Tigray People Liberation Front)
* Two from ESPDP (Ethiopian Somali People’s Democratic Party)
* One from ANDP (Afar National Democratic Party)
1/ New faces
Out of the 30 ministerial appointees, only fifteen were members of the previous cabinet. Among the fifteen, only nine ministers remained in their old posts. The other six are relocated to a different ministry.
2/ Which party kept its ministers?
Six of the eight ANDM ministers kept their job. Out of the six ANDM ministers that remained in the cabinet, five are still in their old post, while one relocated to a different ministry.
The biggest change was among OPDO ministers. All the eight OPDO ministers are new to their job. However, three were members of the cabinet in charge of a different ministry.
Both SEPDM and TPLF kept two ministers each in their old posts, while they brought four and two new faces to the cabinet, respectively.
3/ Party hacks no more?
The ruling party has been pledging in the past two months that it will bring new people regardless of party loyalty. That rhetoric by itself was a departure from the old party line. In a bid to emphasis that perception, the Prime Minister left out the political background of the news appointees when presenting their CV to the parliament on Tuesday. (…) Eleven appointees are not members of the EPRDF Council, though ten of them are party members. One appointee, nominated by OPDO, is not even a member. That is, the new Minister of Water, Irrigation and Electricity, Sileshi Bekele (PhD).
Still, ten ministers are members of the EPRDF executive committee. Another six are members of the EPRDF Council, while three are from the leadership of allied parties.
4/ EPRDF allied parties got a better deal this time.
The EPRDF allied regional parties often get relatively marginal ministries. But this time around, it appears their share has improved. Out of the three ministries allotted for the Ethio-Somali and the Afar parties, two are important: The Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Construction, respectively.
5/ Work experience
Out of the thirty ministers, twelve are PhD holders and two have professor affixed to their names. Again, five appointees have been senior officers oat government-owned Universities: Presidents, v/Presidents, deans. It appears a move to impress the Ethiopian public which attaches too much value to titles.
EPRDF officials, whom HornAffairs spoke for explanations, didn’t deny that objective. They said, it confers the ministers public recognition and that’s good. They added, bringing academicians was deemed beneficial to expedite the institution building process. On top of that, they say, the new bunch would be less inclined to personal enrichment.
One wonders whether Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn, who served a decade in the academia, still abodes a secret admiration for that world.
2.11.2016 Profile of new members of the Prime Minister’s Cabinet. Walta Information Center
Hier finden sich Kurzbiografien der Minister. Vier der neuen Minister haben in Deutschland studiert bzw. promoviert (KS).
1.11.2016 Important Cabinet Reshuffle Amid Tensions. Sebastian Satigui. allAfrica
Addis Ababa — Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn appeared today before parliament in Addis Ababa to present his newly restructured administration. A large number of the new ministers are making their first entry in government, and have no direct party affiliation. They are viewed as technocrats chosen exclusively on the basis of their competence called to serve the nation and not the interest of the governing coalition, EPRDF. It is worth noting that no less than 8 Oromos have joined the new cabinet. The Oromo region has been the center of the protests that have elevated the tensions around the country. Among top party officials leaving the govern-ment are Dr. Tedros Adhanom, minister of foreign affairs, who is the continent's candidate to head the World health organization, Redwan Hussein, minister of youth and sports, and Getachew Reda, minister of government communications. Many in Addis Ababa view the significant cabinet reshuffle as a response to the current and unprecedented crisis that led to the declaration of a nationwide state of emergency on October 8, 2016. In a sign of detente, some 2,000 Ethiopians arrested as part of the State of emergency were released yesterday. (…)
1.11.2016 List of PM Hailemariam’s new Ministers Daniel Berhane
(…) Hailemariam Desalegn told the parliament that the ten-plus Prime Ministerial advisory positions have been eliminated. The positions of “Cluster Coordinators with the rank of Dep. Prime Minister” no longer exist.
Here are the ministerial appointments – along their party affiliations:
SPDM – Southern Peoples Democratic Movements;
ANDM – Amhara National Democratic Movement;
OPDO – Oromo Peoples Democratic Organization;
TPLF – Tigray People Liberation Front;
ANDP – Afar National Democratic Party;
ESPDP – Ethiopian Somali People’s Democratic Party.
- Demeke Mekonnen (ANDM/EPRDF) continued as Deputy Prime Minister. He is no longer Coordinator of Social service cluster.
- Workneh Gebeyehu (PhD) (OPDO/EPRDF) is now appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Debretsion Gebremichael (PhD) (TPLF/EPRDF) continued as Minister of Communication and Information Technology. He is no longer Coordinator of Finance and Economy Cluster with the rank of Dep. Prime Minsiter.
- Siraj Fegesa (SEPDM/EPRDF) continued as Defense Minister.
- Shiferaw Tekelemariam (PhD) (SEPDM/EPRDF) is appointed Minister of Education.
- Eyasu Abraha (PhD) (TPLF/EPRDF) is appointed Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resource Development.
- Kassa Tekleberhan (ANDM/EPRDF) continued as Minister of Federal Affairs and Pastoralist Area Development.
- Abreham Tekesete (PhD) (TPLF/EPRDF) is appointed Minister of Finance and Economic Cooperation.
- Professor Yifru Berhane (ANDM/EPRDF) is appointed as Minister of Health.
- Ahmed Abitew (ANDM/EPRDF) is appointed as Minister of Industry.
- Ahmed Shide (ESPDP) is appointed as Minister of Transport.
- Ambachew Mekonnen (PhD) (ANDM/EPRDF) is appointed Minister of Urban Development and Housing.
- Aisha Mohammed (Eng.) (ANDP), who was appointed Minister of Culture and Tourism in Oct. 2015, is now appointed Minister of Construction.
- Gemeda Dole (PhD) (OPDO/EPRDF) is appointed as Minister of Environment, Forest Development, and Climate Change.
- Getahun Mekuria (PhD) (Eng.) (OPDO/EPRDF) is appointed as Minister of Science and Technology.
- Tagese Chafo (SEPDM/EPRDF) is appointed as Minister of Public Service and Human Resource.
- Fekadu Beyene (Prof) (OPDO/EPRDF) is appointed as Minister of Livestock and Fish Resources.
- Demitu Hambisa (OPDO/EPRDF) is appointed as Minister of Women and Children.
- Bekele Bulado (PhD) (SEPDM/EPRDF) is appointed as Minister of Trade.
- Sileshi Bekele (PhD) (Eng.) (not party member) is appointed as Minister of Water, Irrigation and Electricity.
- Motuma Mekasa (OPDO/EPRDF) is appointed as Minister of Mines, Petroleum, and Natural Gaz.
- Hirut Woldemariam (PhD) (SEPDM/EPRDF) is appointed as Minister of Culture and Tourism.
- Girma Amente (PhD) (OPDO/EPRDF) is appointed as Minister of State Enterprises.
- Abdulfetah Abdulahi (ESPDP) continued as Minister of Labor and Social Affairs.
- Restu Yirdaw (SEPDM/EPRDF) is appointed as Minister of Youth and Sports.
- Getachew Ambaye (ANDM/EPRDF) continued as Attorney General with the rank of Minister.
- Negeri Lencho (PhD) (OPDO/EPRDF) is appointed head of Government Communication Affairs Office (GCAO) with the rank of Minister.
- Kebede Chane (ANDM/EPRDF) is appointed as Director General of Ethiopian Revenues & Customs Authority (ERCA) with the rank of Minister.
- Asmelash Woldeselasie (TPLF/EPRDF) continued as Chief Government Whip at the House of People’s Representatives with the rank of Minister.
- Yinager Desie (ANDM/EPRDF) continued as Commissioner of National Plan Commission.
In the afternoon, the office of the Prime Minister announced the following appointments with ministerial rank:
- Sheferaw Shegute (SEPDM/EPRDF) is appointed as Chief Coordinator at Democratic System Building Coordination Center. (Practically, head of EPRDF Secretariat)
- Abdulaziz Mohammed (OPDO/EPRDF) is appointed as Coordinator of Political parties and Civic Association Affairs at Democratic System Building Coordination Center.
- Fetlework Gebreegziabher (TPLF/EPRDF) is appointed as Coordinator for Urban Sector at Democratic System Building Coordination Center.
- Tefera Derbew (ANDM/EPRDF) is appointed as Coordinaor for Rural Sector at Democratic System Building Coordination Center.
- Economics -
20.11.2016 Morocco-Ethiopia: Launched Billion Dollar Fertilizer Mega Project. Eurasia Review, Said Temsamani
In a testament to their growing bilateral relationship, King Mohammed VI, who is on an official visit to Ethiopia, and Ethiopian Prime Minister, HE Haile Mariam Dessalegn, presided over the launching ceremony of a project to build a world-class integrated platform for fertilizer production in Ethiopia. The Moroccan Press Agency MAP reported that on this occasion, CEO of OCP Group, Mostafa Terrab, gave a speech before HM the King and Ethiopian Prime Minister in which he said that the project to build the integrated platform for fertilizer production will require a total investment of nearly 3.7 billion dollars. “This industrial Megaproject will require an investment of 2.4 billion dollars in its first phase in order to produce 2.5 million tons/year of fertilizer by 2022. This will make Ethiopia self-sufficient in fertilizer, with a potential for export. An additional investment of 1.3 billion dollars is expected by 2025 to reach a total capacity of 3.8 million tons/year of fertilizer to support the growth of local demand,” he said.
19.11.2016 Morocco to Set up 2.5 Billion USD Fertilizer Plant in Dire Dawa. Pawlos Belete W., Ethiopia Online
(…) The planned investment will be developed in a joint venture scheme between the Ethiopian government and OCP; an investment arm of the Moroccan government. The plant will be erected at Dire Dawa Industrial Park. The two countries have agreed to contribute 40 percent equity while 60 percent of the investment is expected to come from different international financing sources according to information obtained from Ethiopian Ministry of Finance and Economic Cooperation. The planned investment is expected to create over 1,200 job opportunities during its construction phase. It will create 500 plus permanent jobs when it goes operational by 2022. The establishment of the plant is expected to boost Ethiopia’s agricultural productivity by at least 40 percent since the planed plant will produce customized fertilizer that fits the needs of Ethiopian soil type. That will be enhanced by Agricultural Transformation Agency’s soil fertility mapping of the country which is expected to be completed by next year. (…)
18.11.2016 China extends 100 million Yuan for construction of railway academy to Ethiopia. ENA
The government of China has extended 100 million Yuan assistance for Ethiopia for the construction of railway academy in the country. (…) The construction of the academy has been designed to upgrade the Railway Institute which was established five years ago. The construction of the academy will help to resolve the demand for skilled manpower in the railway transport sector and also engage in generating foreign currency by training Africans in the field.
Prior to the signing ceremony Prime Minister Hailemariam and Vice President Li Yuanchao have held discussion on ways of further strengthening the bilateral ties between the two countries. (…) The Chinese government will provide support towards the construction of industrial parks, science and technology, modern agriculture and infrastructural development, he added. (…) Some 250 Chinese investors are currently engaged in textile, automotive engineering, food, communication and other investment sectors. The trade balance between two countries has reached to three billion USD, it was learned.
15.11.2016 SIEMENS, BOSCH keen to invest in Ethiopia. ENA
A delegation from SIEMENS and BOSCH paid a business visit to Ethiopia; a country they said is offering vast investment opportunities with a favorable climate to invest. The 20 member German and Bavarian business delegation is keen to invest in the country. The delegation observed that Ethiopia’s geographic location and its active membership in regional and international bilateral trade make it a desirable investment destination. (…)
"Currently we are in the process of setting a branch office here in Ethiopia. Some of the investment incentives are very attractive and most definitely we can start concentrating on certain industries," said Lukas Duursema, Chief Executive Officer of SIEMENS East Africa Region. (…) Ethiopia has revised its investment policies and strategies more than four times in the last 20 years in favor of investors. The country's key priority remains to be the promotion of investments in infrastructure and manufacturing sector in order to break the country's dependence on raw commodity export and to increase the manufacturing base for value-added products.
9.11.2016 Ethiopia Planning Africa’s Largest Airport. Addis Insight
The Ethiopian government is planning to spend US$4 billion building the largest airport in Africa. The airport in Addis Ababa would be larger than London’s Heathrow and serve as many as 120 million passengers a year. Planners say it will open within the next 10 years, but risk analysis company PGI Intelligence claims the project could be delayed by difficulties in securing finance.
This massive airport is just the latest of Ethiopia’s many ambitious infrastructure projects. The most expensive is the $4.8 billion Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, which will be the largest hydroelectric power plant in Africa when complete.
- Sport -
21.11.2016 2016 Great Ethiopian Run a success. Rahel Samuel, Ethiosports
Thousands of professional and amateur long-distance runners on Sunday converged on the streets of Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa for the annual 10km “Great Run”. Now in its 16th year, the event saw over 40,000 registrations despite a 6-month state of emergency declared in October following violent anti-government protests. Relatively new athletes Abe Gashahun and Foiteyn Tesfaye – both Ethiopian nationals – came first in the men and women categories respectively. (…) Organizers said the state of emergency did have an effect, though insignificant, on the number of participants, with many international participants citing security fears.
5.11.2016 Legendary Gebrselassie elected new Ethiopia athletics federation president. David Isabirye, Kawowo Sports
Legendary Ethiopian long-distance track and road running athlete Haile Gebrselassie is the new country’s athletics president. The 43 year old two time Olympic gold 10,000M gold medalist tallied 9 votes out of 15 during a voting exercise held in the capital city of the Horn of Africa nation, Addis Ababa on Saturday. (…)
He is one of the most respected world athletes having won four world championship gold medals. Besides winning the Berlin Marathon on four consecutive counts, he also had three straight wins at the Dubai Marathon. Further to this, he won four world titles indoors and was the 2001 World Half Marathon Champion.
Haile had major competition wins at distances between 1500 metres and the marathon, moving from outdoor, indoor and cross country running to road running in the latter part of his career.He broke 61 Ethiopian national records ranging from 800 metres to the marathon, set 27 world records, and is widely regarded as the greatest distance runner in history.
Gebrselassie is also the distributor for Hyundai vehicles in Ethiopia and is also a United Nations goodwill ambassador. He has also built several schools in his residential area of Asella, Arsi zone in Ethiopia’s Oromiya region. IAAF President Lord Sebastian Coe is among the public figures who openly backed the candidature of the retired distance running legend.
4.11.2016 Haile Gebrselassie in race to lead Ethiopian athletics. Emmanuel Igunza, BBC Africa
Ethiopia’s legendary athlete Haile Gebrselassie says he is ready to clean up the mismanagement of the country's athletics and wipe away the embarrassment of a poor performance of his country in the last Olympics. Haile is running for the presidency of his country’s Athletics Federation in elections to be held on Sunday.
Speaking to the BBC, Haile said his main aim is to address years of mismanagement of athletics that had culminated in the team winning only one gold. He says he wants to focus on talent development for the next generation of Ethiopian athletes. Haile announced his retirement from competitive running last year, bringing to an end a 25-year career in which he claimed two Olympic gold medals, eight World Championship victories and set 27 world records.
- Horn of Africa and Foreign Affairs -
23.11.2016 Ethiopia and China agree to augment military co-operation. Coastweek
ADDIS ABABA Ethiopia (Xinhua) -- Fan Changlong, Vice Chairman of China’s Central Military Commission, has agreed with Ethiopian President Mulatu Teshome and Minister of Defense, Siraj Fegessa, to strengthen the two countries’ cooperation in the military arena. The military relations between China and Ethiopia are currently advancing, and they have made fruitful exchanges and cooperation through personnel training, military medical care, frequent high-level visits, the United Nations peacekeeping and others, said Fan at his meeting with Mulatu on Tuesday. He added that China and Ethiopia have continually enhanced their mutual political trust, and the friendship between the two peoples has also fortified over the years.
Noting that China is Ethiopia’s most important and reliable strategic partner, Mulatu said the two countries have strong common interests and similar development model and China’s great development achievements have provided good reference for Ethiopia. The president expressed his country’s keen interest in working with the Asian country to enhance political trust, boost economic and trade ties, and push bilateral military relations to a new level. (…)
22.11.2016 Africa: Group Picks Ethiopia to Lead Climate Change Negotiations. Seble Samuel, Fortune
Ethiopia was tapped for the Chairmanship of the Least Developed Countries Group of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Over 190 countries gathered in Marrakech, Morocco, from November 7-18 to participate in the United Nations international climate change negotiations. (…) Ethiopia was tapped for the Chairmanship of the Least Developed Countries (LDC) Group of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Gebru Jembar Endalew, of the Green Growth Initiative at Ethiopia's Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, and Head of the Ethiopian Delegation, will serve as the incoming Chair of the LDC Group for the next two years. he LDC Group is comprised of 48 countries that are extremely vulnerable to climate change but are least responsible for its cause. The primary goals of the LDC Group are twofold: to demand rich nations put forth ambitious emissions reductions, given their historic responsibility and capacity to address current climate challenges; and to take on a leadership role in the international movement to limit and overcome climate change. (…) As an important outcome of the Marrakech climate negotiations, REEEI will aim to support LDCs leapfrog past fossil fuel based energy systems to renewable energy. (…)
In addition to the LDC Group, Ethiopia presides over the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF), an international South-South partnership of countries that are extremely vulnerable to climate change. The CVF serves as an advocacy and cooperation platform to raise awareness and build alliances to tackle global warming. "We advocate that average rising temperature should remain below 1.5C, because if it exceeds 1.5C it will greatly endanger many of the countries which are members of CVF," said Mulugeta Mengist Ayalew, Director of Climate Change Affairs in the Office of the Prime Minister.
Ethiopia currently aims to limit national emissions by 64pc by 2030 compared to business-as-usual scenarios. The Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) Strategy has called for 7.5 billion dollars in climate finance, both domestic and international, in order to adequately respond to climate change. At present, Ethiopia's national climate budget is estimated at roughly 440 million dollars per year, with tens of millions in investments from international sources per year, leaving a substantial gap in climate finance. (…) As climate effects become more severe, with impacts ravaging developing regions disproportionately, Biniam Yakob Gebreyes, Environmental Expert at the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change and National Climate Change Negotiator stresses the urgency of the matter: "rather than a luxury, this is an issue of survival."
18.11.2016 Ethiopia, China pledge to further cement bilateral ties. Walta Information Center, Source: Xinhua
Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn and visiting Chinese Vice President Li Yuanchao pledged here on Thursday to further strengthen relations between the two countries.
In his talks with the Chinese vice president, Hailemariam said that China's long-term and selfless assistance has played an important part in Ethiopia's pursuit for development and prosperity, as evidenced by the many joint projects all around Ethiopia that are mutually beneficial to both sides. (…) Hailemariam, who is also Chairman of the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), said the EPRDF hopes to learn more from the experience of the Communist Party of China in state governance.
For his part, the Chinese vice president hailed the remarkable achievements made by Ethiopia under the leadership of the EPRDF over the past 25 years. (…) China stands ready to work with Ethiopia to maintain the momentum in high-level exchanges, push forward industrial capacity cooperation and cultural and people to people exchanges, enhance coordination in international affairs, and further deepen the China-Ethiopia comprehensive cooperative partnership, Li said.
Li added that the Communist Party of China is willing to deepen inter-party cooperation with the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front, share experience in state governance and steer bilateral relations toward new achievements.